Friday, August 13, 2010

Vintjs Sauvignon Blanc, 2009

Price: $5.99 @ Trader Joe's
Brian sez: Meh, it's okay. Some decent citrus, but a little too sugar sweet for me. Give me a good crisp NZ Sauv Blanc over this any day...

Binary scale rating: 0


  1. Man, that's a terrible picture. Gotta work on that.

  2. Fun. I get to post the first, or actually I guess the second, blog post. You're right about this sauv blanc. Yuk. You know, Estancia makes a pretty nice sauvignon blanc that you should try if you haven't. Around $10 and so much better than this. Good luck on the blog.
    Steve (St. Louis)

  3. Hey Steve, thanks for the heads up. We had a bottle of Estancia Chardonnay just the other day-- really nice stuff.
